By: Joey O. Luces
Athletes are making their way to the evaucuation area.
Capiz State University-Mambusao Satellite College participates in the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake (NSED) Drill for the fourth quarter of 2023 today, Nov. 9.
Quarterly drills are organized to raise awareness and preparedness for earthquakes, which can happen anytime and anywhere.
It aims to simulate a realistic scenario where students and teachers would know what to do in case of an actual earthquake.
At exactly 9:00 A.M., the drill started with a siren that signaled the start of the earthquake scenario.
Faculty, staff and students quickly ducked down to the floor, covered their heads, and hold on sturdy objects like tables until the siren stopped.
Because it was the school's intramural meet, games were stopped, and players and tournament officials performed the "duck, cover, and hold" and proceeded to the evacuation area.
When the sound stopped, they immediately evacuated the building following the designated evacuation routes and assembly area.