NEWS: CAPSU Mambusao honors 136 graduates in convocation rites, 5 with Latin awards

By: Kin F. Sabala

Alfon confers graduates with their undergraduate degrees.

In a fulfilling celebration of academic achievement, Capiz State University-Mambusao Satellite College conferred 136 undergraduate students, including the five cum laude with their respective degrees during its 20th Commencement Exercises held at the campus gymnasium, June 14.
Among the graduates, 11 graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language (BAEL), 44 with Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA), 69 with Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS), and Bachelor of Science in Food Technology (BSFT) degree was bestowed on 12 graduates.
Joey O. Luces (BAEL), Mae Anne A. Alipusan (BAEL), Ruffa Mae E. Sion (BSCS), Reza D. Esteban (BSOA), and Renabeth L. Legaspi (BSOA), all cum laude, comprised this year’s cream of the crop.
The ceremony started with a processional leading to the campus gymnasium. It was joined by the graduates with their respective parents or guardians, along with the school officials, faculty and staff members.
Right after the singing of the National Anthem, Bagong Pilipinas and Capiz Hymn, Dr. Susan O. Dangan, Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented and recommended the undergraduate candidates for graduation to University President Dr. Editha C. Alfon.
Dr. Alfon then conferred their undergraduate degrees, marking a significant milestone in the students' educational journey.
Both the presentation and recommendation for graduation, and the conferment of undergraduate degrees were pre-recorded. They were just flashed on the big LED screen on the stage.
Dr. Miguel Mac D. Aposin, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Capiz, graced the occasion as this year’s commencement speaker.
Aposin delivers his commencement address.

Aposin’s commencement address was also pre-recorded and flashed on the LED screen. He shared insightful advice and highlighted the importance of spiritual strength through a reference to 1 Corinthians 15:10.
“I encourage you to hold fast to these pillars of success. Let them serve as the foundation upon which you build your dreams and aspirations,” he underscored.
Additionally, he emphasized the importance of spiritual strength, quoting 1 Corinthians 15:10. He added, “This verse emphasizes that everything, including sang aton mga abilities and achievements, ultimately comes from the grace of God.”
Likewise, in a pre-recorded message, Capiz Governor Fredenil H. Castro challenged the graduates to reach beyond their comfort zones while maintaining humility and groundedness in their achievements.
“I challenge you to not only be successful individuals but extraordinary human beings. Let your actions speak louder than words, your character shines brighter than your accomplishments, and your legacy inspires generations to come,” Castro accentuated.
Castro delivers his inspirational message.

Coming up the stage to receive their hard-earned diplomas, graduates beamed with joy and pride. This was the most rewarding moment in their college life.
Luces delivers his speech of gratitude.

Amidst heartfelt messages and inspirational speeches, Joey O. Luces, cum laude and class valedictorian, conveyed gratitude on behalf of the graduating class.
“To my fellow graduates and friends, we have weathered the storms and celebrated the triumphs together. Our bond has been forged in the crucible of challenges, yet we have emerged stronger, our friendship unbreakable. Thank you for the memories we have created, the laughter we have shared, and the support we have given one another. As we embark on our next chapter, I wish you all the best of luck,” he expressed.
He also reflected on the challenges they faced together and the strong bonds of friendship they forged at CAPSU.
He concluded his speech by sharing what he learned from his journey as a finalist in the Ten Outstanding Students of Capiz (TOSOC).
“Before I end, let me share a quote I learned during my TOSOC journey that we can carry wherever we go as proud products of CAPSU: ‘When everyone is sleeping, sit. When everyone is sitting, stand. When everyone is standing, be outstanding. When everyone is outstanding, be a standard.’ Maayong adlaw sa atun tanan, and congratulations!”
The induction into the CAPSU Mambusao Alumni Association by Mr. Rendon V. Marquez, alumni association president, marked the graduates' official entry into the university's alumni community.
Ms. Joan P. Arboleda, senior class organization president, led the graduates in their pledge of loyalty, affirming their commitment to uphold the values of their Alma Mater.
The ceremony concluded with the graduates singing their graduation songs in unison, followed by the stirring strains of the CAPSU March.
Graduates throw their caps in the air after performing their graduation song and dance.

As they step into the world beyond university walls, these graduates carry with them the knowledge, values, and friendships cultivated during their time at CAPSU.
Their achievements stand as a testament to their perseverance and dedication, inspiring hope and confidence in their future endeavors along with the legacy of quality education.